The Bible is filled with stories of married couples; how they were brought together, how their relationships were tested, and how their faith was strengthened. While none of their relationships are perfect, they all have something to teach us. As we approach the celebration of St. Valentine’s Day, we invite you to read a collection of verses and reflections for and about couples, exhorting you to encourage each other, love without ceasing, and bask in the beauty of the gift of love.
What Can We Learn from the Couples of the Bible? — Part I
Focusing on Abraham and Sarah, Ruth and Boaz, and Hosea and Gomer, this post tells the stories of three couples from the Old Testament and what we can learn from them. Read about how even amidst the trials of this world, God can take the most hopeless situation and turn it into something glorious.
What Can We Learn from the Couples of the Bible? — Part II
Highlighting the stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth and Mary and Joseph, this post explores how we can cultivate love, patience, and faith in God’s plans in the context of our relationships. Learn from these New Testament couples about the importance of listening to and trusting in the Lord, even when the future is uncertain.
10 Verses for Couples
At the dawn of Creation, God gave Eve to be to a helper for Adam, because “It [was] not good for the man to be alone,” (Genesis 2:18). Husbands and wives complement each other, build each other up, bring out each other’s strengths, and support each other in their weaknesses. Ultimately, the marriage covenant is a symbol of Christ and the Church; of sacrificial love and respect. Read these 10 verses for couples as you reflect on the meaning of marital love.
No Perfect Relationship: Couples of the Bible: Part I
While relationships on earth will never be perfect, marriage should aim to reflect the perfect love Christ has for His bride, the Church. These couples of the Bible remind us that we live in a fallen world where all human relationships are tainted by sin, so we must approach each of them with grace. Though we will face difficulties and frustrations, we can rejoice in the hope we have through the perfect love of our Savior.
The Providence of God in Relationships: Couples of the Bible: Part II
Although we may think our personal relationships seem insignificant to the God of the universe, they remain under His sovereignty. The story of Jacob and Rachel shows us that even when we make unwise decisions that negatively impact those closest to us, God can redeem those situations. We might still suffer ramifications for our foolishness, but there is no sin so great that God cannot overcome.
God’s Timing in Relationships: Couples of the Bible: Part III
Oftentimes, God’s timing and plan for relationships greatly differs from our preconceptions. Sometimes we may question why He allows certain things to happen, or – like Queen Esther – we may be afraid in the position we find ourselves. But God does not abandon us; He grants us strength to do the tasks He has given us. As Romans 8:28 says: “We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.”