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The 2024 Lenten Reflection Series Schedule

Each Lent, we turn our hearts to reflect upon Christ’s sacrifice for us and repent of our sins as we strive to live more like Him. As we observe this penitential season and look forward to the celebration of the Resurrection, we invite you to join us at the Basilica for our weekly Lenten Reflection Series – view the schedule and topics below! This post will be updated weekly with the video recordings of each talk in the series.

Station of the Cross pewabic tile

Take up Your Cross and Follow Me: St. Francis of Assisi and the Stations of the Cross – February 20

Rev. Bro. Kevin Smith, TOR, a member of the Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular who is to be ordained a priest this year, will offer a reflection on the connection between the beloved St. Francis of Assisi and the Stations of the Cross. The talk will be given on Tuesday, February 20, immediately after the 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Crypt Church.

Holy Family Relief

Faith and Family: Practicing Gratitude – February 28

Mrs. Suzanne Tanzi, the Media and Promotions Manager of Theological College who has two children in Religious Life, will offer a reflection on the importance of gratitude in both the faith and family life. The talk will be given on Wednesday, February 28, immediately after the 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Crypt Church.

Christ on Cross Incarnation Dome

What is the True Meaning of Sacrifice? – March 5

Rev. Gladstone “Bud” Stevens, P.S.S., the Rector of Theological College, the National Seminary of The Catholic University of America, will offer a reflection on what it truly means to sacrifice. The talk will be given on Tuesday, March 5, immediately after the 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Crypt Church.


Carved from the Heart of Jesus: The Practice of Adoration and the Practice of Charity – March 21

Dr. Susan Timoney, S.T.D., the Associate Professor of Practice in Pastoral Studies, Associate Dean for Graduate Ministerial Studies, Director of the Certificate in Pastoral Ministry, and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at the School of Theology and Religious Studies at The Catholic University of America, will offer a reflection on the practice of adoration and how it relates to the practice of charity. The talk will be given on Thursday, March 21, immediately after the 5:15 p.m. Mass in the Crypt Church.

Basilica Insider: The Making of America’s Catholic Church
Encouragement for Couples: Reflections, Verses, and More