Enrollments & Devotionals
Let us pray for you and your loved ones!
Mary’s Shrine is a living place of prayer and worship. The prayers we offer for you, your family, and your friends are one of the many ways that we fulfill our important mission as a national sanctuary of prayer and pilgrimage.
Each day we pray for people from across the United States and around the world and present their needs to the confidence and loving intercession of Our Lady.
We offer prayers in a variety of ways.
2025 Jubilee Prayer Card
To commemorate this Jubilee Year in 2025, the National Shrine is offering its Jubilee Prayer Card. Request your prayer card today and join us as we celebrate this Year of Jubilee: “Pilgrims of Hope!”
100 Years of Worship Medallion
This year marks a century of Sacraments celebrated at the National Shrine! In honor of this momentous occasion, Mary’s Shrine is offering a 2024, 100 Years of Worship, medallion. Request your commemorative medallion today!
Light a Candle
Light a candle for a loved one or for your own special intentions at the National Shrine.
Request a Prayer
Do you have a particular need or a loved one that you would like to entrust to the care of Mary, the Mother of God? Join with us in prayer by allowing Mary’s Shrine to pray for you.
2025 Saint Joseph Sunday Missal
The 2025 Saint Joseph Sunday Missal features the complete Masses for all Sundays and Holydays from the beginning of Advent through the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe as well as several popular hymns. Order your limited-edition National Shrine Saint Joseph Sunday Missal today!
Shrine Prayer Guild
Commend yourself or a loved one, both living and deceased, to the Shrine Prayer Guild for perpetual or annual remembrance in prayer.
Spiritual Cards
For faithful Catholics, nothing is more powerful than joining together to lift our hearts and minds to God in prayer! Enroll your loved ones in the many devotions and liturgical celebrations occurring throughout the year.
Prayer Cards
Holy cards feature a religious image on the front and a traditional Catholic prayer printed on the back. They make ideal gifts to mark spiritual milestones or to simply show someone that they are in your prayers.
Address Labels
This Spring, Mary’s Shrine offers you a glimpse into the majesty of our gardens and art with our customized address labels.
Shrine Rosary
Join us in praying the Rosary with the National Shrine Rosary, so that the Gospel message will enter anew into your life, and the Blessed Virgin Mary will direct you.
Memorial Hall & Registry
Honor a loved one by becoming part of the legacy of those who helped build this magnificent Basilica.
Mary’s Shrine is able to fulfill our mission of praying for you and your loved ones because of the kindness and generosity of American Catholics spanning over a century.
Thank you for your support of Mary’s Shrine.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact us directly at (202) 281-0610 or [email protected].