Why am I here? What is my purpose? What does it mean to trust God with my life?
Maybe you’ve asked some of these questions before. And maybe you’re still not quite sure what the answers to them are.
The Scriptures tell us that God knew who we would be before we were even born. For each and every one of us, He had a plan, and He continues to work in our lives daily. He has a purpose for every life here on earth. Each of us is called to a different vocation, but each of us is also called to the same overarching task: to glorify and honor Him in all we say and do.

In today’s post, take encouragement in these 10 quotes from the saints on living the life you were made for.
On Setting Ourselves Apart
“You must either conquer the world or the world will conquer you. You must be either master or slave.”
– St. John Henry Cardinal Newman
“Abandon yourself utterly for the love of God, and in this way you will become truly happy.”
– St. Henry Suso
On Living Like Christ
“It is the highest duty of religion to imitate Him whom you adore.” – St. Augustine of Hippo
On Glorifying God in Our Work

“Let us work as if success depends on us alone, but with the heartfelt convictions that we are doing nothing and God everything.” – St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Without work, it’s impossible to have fun.” – St. Thomas Aquinas
On Trusting God with Our Future
“I have started houses with no more than the price of a loaf of bread and prayers, for with Him who comforts me, I can do anything.” – St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
“The more you abandon to God the care of all temporal things, the more He will take care to provide for all your wants; but if, on the contrary, you try to supply all your own needs, Providence will allow you to continue to do just that, and then it may very well happen that even necessities will be lacking, God thus reproving you for your lack of faith and reliance on him.” – St. Jean-Baptist de La Salle
“Entrust yourself entirely to God. He is a Father and a most loving Father at that, who would rather let heaven and earth collapse than abandon anyone who trusted in him.” – St. Paul of the Cross
On Using Our Time Well

“Do now – do now – what you’ll wish you had done when your moment comes to die.”
– St. Angela Merici
“When death comes, the mighty messenger of God, no king can command him, no authority can restrain him, no riches can hire him to wait past his appointed time even one moment of an hour. Therefore, let us consider well in time what words we are bound to speak and what deeds we are bound to do, and let us say them and do them quickly. And let us leave unsaid and undone all superfluous things (and, much more, all damnable things), knowing well we have no empty time allowed us.” – St. Thomas More
A Dictionary of Quotes from the Saints, Dr. Paul Thigpen.