Just as you do not know how the life breath
enters the human frame in the mother’s womb,
So you do not know the work of God,
who is working in everything.
— Ecclesiastes 11:4
With the celebration of Mother’s Day, we thank the Lord for the mothers in our lives, lifting them up in prayer. Charged with guiding rising generations, they inspire us with their strength, resolve, and love. Whether you know someone who is expecting, someone who is a new mother, or simply wish to pray for the mothers in your community, we hope these prayers serve as a helpful resource for you.

A Prayer for Pregnant Women and Mothers in Need
O Blessed Mother, you received the good news of the incarnation of Christ, your Son, with faith and trust. Grant your protection to all pregnant mothers facing difficulties.
Guide us as we strive to make our parish communities places of welcome and assistance for mothers in need. Help us become instruments of God’s love and compassion.
Mary, Mother of the Church, graciously help us build a culture of life and a civilization of love, together with all people of good will, to the praise and glory of God, the Creator and lover of life. Amen.
A Blessing for Mothers
Almighty God has brought you
the joy of motherhood:
May he now bless you.
Through the mercy of God
and the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
may you and your children one day
come to share in the unending joys of heaven.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayers for Mothers
For all mothers:
That they be supported and encouraged in their special vocation of love for others;
We pray to the Lord.
For the gift of motherhood:
that all might treasure and support God’s plan for life and love;
We pray to the Lord.
For all mothers:
that their children will honor their many sacrifices by lives of service and virtue;
We pray to the Lord.
For all mothers who await the birth of a child:
that the Lord protect all unborn sons and daughters and bring them to a safe delivery;
We pray to the Lord.
For all married couples who are struggling with infertility:
that the Lord grant them peace as they hope for the gift of a child;
We pray to the Lord.
For mothers who grieve and mourn, especially those who have lost a child before birth:
that they find consolation in God’s promise of life;
We pray to the Lord.
“A Prayer for Pregnant Mothers,” USCCB
“Mother’s Day Blessing,” The Book of Blessings
“Mother’s Day Homily notes,” USCCB