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Virtually Tour the Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel

October 7 marks the celebration of the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, which was first instituted by Saint Pius V in 1573, following the extraordinary victory of the Christian naval fleet over the Turks at Lepanto. Tradition holds that the victory was achieved almost effortlessly, although the opposing fleet was nearly three times their size – a miracle which the faithful attribute to the soldiers’ fervent prayer of the Rosary. Now, over 450 years later, Catholics around the world continue the tradition of the Rosary, looking to the Blessed Mother for care and protection.

Here at America’s Catholic Church, this beloved devotion is honored in the Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel in the Great Upper Church – learn more about this sacred space and explore it in 360° below!

Rosary Chapel DomeAbout the Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel

The Our Lady of the Rosary Chapel memorializes the popular tradition that the Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Dominic during the 13th century and bestowed on him the devotion of the Rosary. It features a Botticino marble statue of Our Lady of the Rosary offering her son Jesus to the world, set against a flaring reredos carved with 15 golden flames signifying the mysteries of the Rosary. The dome mosaic is a study in blue, spangled with eight-pointed stars – one of the symbols of Saint Dominic and the Blessed Mother. In the pendentives of the dome mosaic, the text of the Rosary is featured.

The chapel is flanked by a lateral chapel on each side, both of which are connected to the Dominicans and were gifted to the Basilica by the Dominican Order: the St. Dominic Chapel and the St. Catherine of Siena Chapel. Popular tradition holds that Saint Dominic was given the devotion of the Rosary by the Blessed Mother.

Virtually Explore the Chapel

You can experience panoramic views of the chapel in our virtual tour below – take the tour!


Rohling, Geraldine M., PhD, MAEd. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception: Guide and Tour BookWashington, D.C.: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 2018.

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