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The Basilica’s Top 10 Blogposts of 2024

From posts featuring inspiring quotes from the saints to quizzes about biblical figures, the Basilica blog covers a broad range of topics. With each post, our goal remains the same: to give the faithful guidance as they seek to grow in their faith. Today, we invite you to read the top 10 posts of 2024 and strengthen your own devotion.

10. 10 Saint Quotes on Living the Life You Were Made for

The Scriptures tell us that God knew who we would be before we were even born. For each and every one of us, He had a plan, and He continues to work in our lives daily. He has a purpose for every life here on earth. Each of us is called to a different vocation, but we are also called to the same overarching task: to glorify and honor Him in all we say and do. Take encouragement in these 10 quotes from the saints on living the life you were made for.

Mother Teresa9. 10 Inspiring Quotes from Mother Teresa

When Mother Teresa entered religious life in 1928 and dedicated her life to serving the poor, she had little idea of how her humble ministry in the slums of India would grow to have an international impact. Though society shunned the poor and unwanted, she welcomed them into the loving care of Christ with open arms and an open heart.

Be inspired by her example and wisdom with these 10 quotes

8. 5 Things You Should Know About St. Monica

Born in the 4th century, St. Monica is recognized as the patron saint of mothers. Her tireless prayer and dedication to motherhood played a pivotal role in the spiritual formation of one of the most brilliant philosophers and well-known saints of all time. In this post, learn five key facts about her life and discover where you can find her in the Basilica.

7. 5 Classics Every Catholic Should Read

Discover the inaugural blogpost in our Basilica Book Club series, where we highlight reading picks around a unifying theme. In this post, we discuss five iconic works of literature every Catholic should read – from the writings of philosophical giants St. Augustine and St. Aquinas, to beloved mystic reflections like The Dark Night of the Soul.

6. The Ultimate Women of the Bible Quiz

Throughout the Bible, God has appointed women for mighty purposes, raising them up as prophetesses and leaders in times of trouble, choosing them to serve Him in unexpected ways, and working miracles in their lives. We invite you to test your knowledge about the women of the Bible – get started below!

5. 5 Things You Should Know About St. Thomas More

A brilliant scholar, writer, and politician, St. Thomas More was a fearless defender of truth in an era of corrupt leadership. Even though law and politics weren’t his first choice for a career, he would go on to become one of the most influential members of the British government. Discover five key facts about his life and where you can find him in the Basilica.

4. 10 Psalms About God’s Mercy

God’s mercy abounds; it endures forever. It is offered freely to those who believe in Christ and was exemplified in His sacrifice for our sins and triumphant resurrection. Throughout the Psalms, we find declarations of the Lord’s merciful character and pleas for an outpouring of His abundant mercy. Today, we encourage you to meditate upon this selection of 10 Psalms about God’s mercy.

3. 10 Inspiring Quotes from St. Catherine of Siena

A lay Dominican of the 14th century, St. Catherine of Siena is remembered for her boldness in confronting corruption, her defense of truth, and her unquenchable zeal for God. The second woman to be granted the title “Doctor of the Church,” she experienced numerous visions of Christ and recounted her conversations with God in the text The Dialogue. Reflect on 10 quotes from her writings that continue to inspire the faithful today.

2. 10 Inspiring Quotes from St. Thérèse of Lisieux

Beloved for her reflections in The Story of a Soul, St. Thérѐse of Lisieux is known as one of the best-selling authors of all time. Though she viewed herself as an ordinary “Little Flower” treasured by God, her extraordinary spiritual insights have been translated into over 38 languages, with millions of copies in print. We hope you are inspired by these 10 quotes on living in love, prayer, and faith.

1. 5 Things You Should Know About John the Baptist

Every June, the Church observes the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist. From fulfilling Old Testament prophecies to helping inaugurate the earthly ministry of Jesus, John the Baptist played a key role in preparing the Israelites to receive the promised Messiah. We encourage you to take a moment to reflect on his ministry and learn five key facts about his life and legacy.

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