Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God; everyone who loves is begotten by God and knows God. – 1 John 4:7
As believers, we recognize that love is central to the Gospel. It is out of love that God created the world – and out of love that He sent His son as the propitiation for our sins. We in turn, are called to love others, because God first loved us.
But love isn’t simply a feeling.
True love is best demonstrated through action – and it’s not something we can do on our own. It’s something that requires the work of the Holy Spirit within us. To love well, we must ask for God’s help.
Today, we invite you to reflect on these prayers for love, asking the Holy Spirit to fill you and enable you to better love those around you.

Prayer for Charity in Truth
Father, your truth is made known in your Word.
Guide us to seek the truth of the human person.
Teach us the way to love because you are Love.
Jesus, you embody Love and Truth.
Help us to recognize your face in the poor.
Enable us to live out our vocation to bring love and justice to your people.
Holy Spirit, you inspire us to transform our world.
Empower us to seek the common good for all persons.
Give us a spirit of solidarity and make us one human family.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Act of Love
O Lord God, I love you above all things and I love my neighbor for your sake because you are the highest, infinite and perfect good, worthy of all my love. In this love I intend to live and die. Amen.
Prayer of John Paul II
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Burning Fire of Love, have mercy on us and make our hearts like your own.

Lord Jesus Christ,
Redeemer of the human race,
to your most Sacred Heart
we turn with humility and trust,
with reverence and hope,
with a deep desire to give to you
glory and honor and praise…
Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of the Living God,
we praise you for the love
that you have revealed
through your Sacred Heart,
which was pierced for us
and which has become the fountain
of our joy, the source of our eternal life.
Gathered together in your Name,
which is above all other names,
we consecrate ourselves to your most Sacred Heart,
in which dwells the fullness of truth and charity…
Lord Jesus Christ,
King of love and Prince of peace,
reign in our hearts and in our homes.
Conquer all the powers of evil
and bring us to share in the victory of your Sacred Heart.
May all we say and do give glory
and praise to you and to the Father
and the Holy Spirit,
one God living
and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Community

Embracing Father,
You grace each of us with equal measure in your love.
Let us learn to love our neighbors more deeply,
so that we can create
peaceful and just communities.
Inspire us to use our creative energies
to build the structures we need
to overcome the obstacles
of intolerance and indifference.
May Jesus provide us the example needed
and send the Spirit to warm our hearts for the journey.
Act of Faith, Hope, and Love, USCCB.
Prayer for Charity in Truth, USCCB.
Prayer for Community, USCCB.
Prayer of John Paul II, the Vatican.