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Download the Fall-Winter 2020 Edition of the Mary’s Shrine Newsletter

“Mary’s Shrine invites people from across the country and beyond into the saving moment of faith, hope, and charity.”
– Excerpt from the Mission Statement of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Mary's Shrine Fall/Winter 2020 Edition

We invite you to download your copy of the Mary’s Shrine newsletter to receive the latest news and information about the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception! Mary’s Shrine is a semi-annual publication of the Basilica that features recent noteworthy events, historical accounts, and upcoming activities.

The Mary’s Shrine Fall/Winter issue features:

  • A special message from the Rector
  • Prayer to Our Lady, Health of the Sick
  • Highlights from the Reconsecration of the United States to the Blessed Virgin
  • Info on the Basilica’s support for frontline healthcare workers and those in need
  • The latest updates on how the Basilica is responding to COVID-19
  • An all-new article on the history of the Foundation Stone
  • An announcement about the Centennial Fund
  • Gifts from Mary’s Shrine

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay connected to life at the Basilica – America’s Catholic Church!

Download the Fall/Winter 2020 Edition of the Mary’s Shrine Newsletter

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