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4 Places to Find Pope John Paul II Portrayed in the Basilica

On October 22, we celebrate the Feast of Pope John Paul II, the first reigning pope to visit the National Shrine. Beloved for his commitment to sharing the Gospel and furthering justice, he spoke to millions of people in over 120 countries during his papacy, earning him the moniker “the Pilgrim Pope.” Through his tireless fight for justice and solidarity, he inspired hope among the politically oppressed and helped bring about the end of the Cold War. He also survived an assassination attempt, making a miraculous recovery after being pierced by two bullets in St. Peter’s Square.

Today we invite you to explore the places where he is portrayed at the National Shrine in shimmering mosaics, vivid stained glass, and more!

Pope John Paul II Czestochowa Chapel 1. The Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel

In the Our Lady of Czestochowa Chapel, you can find Pope John Paul II portrayed in vivid mosaic tile in a rondel on the right side of the chapel. The rondel was added to the chapel in October 2013, five months before his canonization. The space is also significant because Pope John Paul II visited this chapel twice: once, as Karol Wojtyla in 1976, and once as pope in 1979.

2. The Universal Call to Holiness Sculpture

Universal Call to Holiness
One of the largest relief sculptures in the world, The Universal Call to Holiness offers an awe-inspiring visualization of a profound spiritual reality: that the call to holiness extends to all peoples of faith in all times and places. Weighing over 37 tons and spanning 780 square feet, the relief portrays people of all ethnicities, ages, rank, and status being drawn to the Holy Spirit. Pope John Paul II features alongside nearly 50 other figures, including the Blessed Mother and Mother Teresa, among others. In this photo, he is on the far left, wearing a mitre and holding a crosier.

3. The Trinity Dome Mosaic

Pope John Paul II Trinity Dome
The Trinity Dome took over two years to complete from start to finish. Made with 14 million tesserae, it covers a total of 18,299 square feet. Pictured in the mosaic are the Blessed Trinity, the Immaculate Conception, 18 saints, two archangels, four choir angels, and four evangelists. Saint Pope John Paul II is portrayed alongside an angel and St. Juan Diego in shimmering mosaic tile.

4. The Sacristy

Pope John Paul II Sacristy window
In the Basilica, the sacristy is where sacred vessels, vestments, and liturgical objects are prepared and stored. Amongst the stained-glass windows gracing the sacristy of the National Shrine, you’ll find many saints with significant connections to North America, including John Paul II, who appears alongside a portrayal of John Cardinal Krol, the archbishop of Philadelphia. As Dr. Rohling shares in the Basilica Guidebook:

“The windows are of hand-blown and machine rolled antique glasses; they are hand painted, shaded, and leaded to match the existing stained-glass windows in the Upper Sacristy.”

The window portraying John Paul II is by Gino Zang and manufactured by Works of Art Stained Glass Studios, Centreville, Virginia.


Rohling, Geraldine M., PhD, MAEd. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception: Guide and Tour BookWashington, D.C.: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 2018.

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