In a world fraught with uncertainty and turmoil, it is easy to become discouraged and disheartened. Jesus reminds us in the book of John that as His followers, all of us will undergo times of trial and tribulation – but we can be courageous knowing that our Savior has “conquered the world.” Whether you’re experiencing anxiety and seeking peace, looking for reconciliation in a relationship, or trying to determine God’s will for your life, we invite you to reflect on these three Marian prayers for encouragement featured at the Basilica.
Prayer to Our Lady of China
Hail, Holy Mary, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of all nations and all people. You are the special heavenly Mother of the Chinese people. Teach us, your way of total obedience to God’s will. Help us to live our lives true to our faith. Fill our hearts with burning love for God and each other. Stir up in our youth, an unconditional giving of self to the service of God.
We call on your powerful intercession for peace, reconciliation, and unity among the believers and conversion of the unbelievers in China and throughout the world, for God’s mercy is our only hope.
Our Lady of China, Mother of Jesus, hear our petitions and pray for us. Amen.
Learn more about the devotion to Our Lady of China and where it is honored in the Basilica here.
Prayer to Mary, Queen of Missions
Holy Mary, our Mother.
Today, each day and in our last hour we entrust ourselves entirely to your loving and singular care. We place in your hands: our entire hope and happiness, our every anxiety and difficulty, our whole lives. May our every endeavor be directed and guided according to the Will of Your Son, which is your will, by the aid of your prayers and special favor with God.
Learn more about the devotion to Mary, Queen of Missions and where it is honored in the Basilica here.
Prayer to Our Lady of La Vang
O Mary, Holy Mother of La Vang, Mother of God and our most loving Mother, pour out your abundant blessings upon your children who earnestly implore you. Give us a heart of compassion and charity to build a culture of love and of life. Help us to live lives of virtue and hope, so that we may enjoy eternal life and the happiness of the Trinity with you for all eternity.
Learn more about the devotion to Our Lady of La Vang and where it is honored in the Basilica here.
Rohling, Geraldine M. , PhD, MAEd. The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception: Guide and Tour Book. Washington, D.C.: Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 2018.
Light a Candle at the Basilica
In honor of Our Lady, we invite you to light a candle today at the National Shrine. Vigil candles burn in the chapels throughout the Great Upper Church and lower crypt level of the National Shrine. Each candle represents the faith of the supplicants and their fervent prayers entrusted to the loving intercession of the Blessed Mother.