Thanksgiving is the perfect time to incline our hearts to praise the Lord, who created and sustains us in His mercy. No matter our circumstances, we who know Christ can rejoice in our salvation and in the greatness of the God we serve. In today’s post, we invite you to thank the Lord for His many blessings through these 10 Psalms of gratitude.
Gratitude for His Justice
“I will thank the Lord in accordance with his justice;
I will sing the name of the Lord Most High.” — Psalm 7:18
Gratitude for the Joy of Worship
“I will wash my hands in innocence
so that I may process around your altar, Lord,
To hear the sound of thanksgiving,
and recount all your wondrous deeds.
Lord, I love the refuge of your house,
the site of the dwelling-place of your glory.” — Psalm 26:6-8
Gratitude for His Mercy
“But I, like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God,
I trust in God’s mercy forever and ever.
I will thank you forever
for what you have done.
I will put my hope in your name—for it is good,
—in the presence of those devoted to you.” — Psalm 52:10-11
“Praise the Lord, for he is good;
for his mercy endures forever;
Praise the God of gods;
for his mercy endures forever;
Praise the Lord of lords;
for his mercy endures forever;
Who alone has done great wonders,
for his mercy endures forever;
Who skillfully made the heavens,
for his mercy endures forever;
The Lord remembered us in our low estate,
for his mercy endures forever;
Freed us from our foes,
for his mercy endures forever;
And gives bread to all flesh,
for his mercy endures forever.
Praise the God of heaven,
for his mercy endures forever.” — Psalm 136:1-5, 23-26
Gratitude for Rescuing Us from Evil
“God is present as my helper;
the Lord sustains my life.
Turn back the evil upon my foes;
in your faithfulness, destroy them.
Then I will offer you generous sacrifice
and give thanks to your name, Lord, for it is good.
Because it has rescued me from every trouble,
and my eyes look down on my foes.” — Psalm 54:6-9

Gratitude for His Bountiful Provision
“You adorn the year with your bounty;
your paths drip with fruitful rain.
The meadows of the wilderness also drip;
the hills are robed with joy.
The pastures are clothed with flocks,
the valleys blanketed with grain;
they cheer and sing for joy.” — Psalm 65:12-14
“May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you!
The earth has yielded its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
May God bless us still;
that the ends of the earth may revere him.” — Psalm 67:6-8
Gratitude for His Goodness
“We thank you, God, we give thanks;
we call upon your name,
we declare your wonderful deeds.” — Psalm 75:2
Gratitude for Bringing Us Joy
“Those who sow in tears
will reap with cries of joy.
Those who go forth weeping,
carrying sacks of seed,
Will return with cries of joy,
carrying their bundled sheaves.” — Psalm 126:5-6

Gratitude for Sustaining Creation
“Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving;
with the lyre make music to our God,
Who covers the heavens with clouds,
provides rain for the earth,
makes grass sprout on the mountains,
Who gives animals their food
and young ravens what they cry for.
He takes no delight in the strength of horses,
no pleasure in the runner’s stride.
Rather the Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him,
those who put their hope in his mercy.”
— Psalm 147:7-11