One of the most influential philosophers of all time, St. Thomas Aquinas shaped over seven centuries of Catholic theology. Drawing from Scripture and the great thinkers, he developed a critical philosophical framework for natural law and Catholic doctrine with his magnum opus, Summa Theologiae. As we celebrate his feast day on January 28, we invite you to reflect on 10 quotes from this Doctor of the Church and gain wisdom from his spiritual insight.
On Scripture and Theology
“It is one of glories of the Scripture that it can embrace many meanings in a single passage.”
“The purpose of theology is threefold: to refute error, to teach sound morals, and to contemplate truth.”
On God as Creator and Ruler

“No one is so foolish as not to believe that the things of the physical world are subject to someone’s government, providence, and disposition, seeing that they are regulated according to a certain order and time. Thus we see the sun, the moon, and the stars and other parts of the physical world all holding a certain course, which would not happen if they were the sport of chance. For that reason, a man would be a fool not to believe in God.”
“God is an artist, and the universe is His work of art.”
“The entire universe is one dominion and realm, governed by one Ruler, who is the First Mover, the First Truth, the First Good — God, blessed forever and ever.”
On Christian Living
“It is not necessary for us to set forth our petitions before God in order to make known to Him our needs and desires, but rather that we ourselves may realize that in these things it is necessary to have recourse to God’s assistance.”
“No man truly has joy unless he lives in love.”
On Love, Heaven, and the Presence of God
“God’s love for us is not greater in heaven than it is now.”
“The very sight of God causes delight. Hence he who sees God cannot be without delight.”
“The pleasant companionship of all the blessed in heaven will be a companionship replete with delight. For each one will possess all good things together with the blessed, because they will love one another as themselves, and therefore will rejoice in the happiness of others’ goods as well as their own. Consequently, the joy and gladness of one will be as great as the joy of all.”
A Dictionary of Quotes from the Saints, Dr. Paul Thigpen.