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5 Things You Should Know About Pope Pius IX

Although Pope Pius IX’s pontificate took place during an era fraught with political turmoil, he led the Church with an attitude of peace and understanding. As we honor the 147th anniversary of his death this week, discover five things you should know about this 19th-century pope and the legacy left by his historic pontificate.

Pope Pius IX is depicted center-left in the altar reredo of the Mary, Help of Christians Chapel.

1. He was the son of a count and countess.

Born as Giovanni Maria in Senigallia, Italy, on May 13, 1792, the Blessed Pope Pius IX was the son of Count Mastai Farretti and Countess Caterina Solazzi. From a very young age, Giovanni showed a proclivity for religious life, and while he suffered from multiple physical setbacks, he was a clever young man who pursued his interests despite these difficulties.

2. He was a member of the Pontifical Guard.

At the age of 17, Giovanni went to Rome to further his schooling, but he was forced to pause his studies three years later due to the onset of a serious illness, which historians believe may have been epilepsy. He was later admitted to the Pontifical Guard, but once again, complications with his disease led him to be discharged. Undeterred from his desire to be involved in ministry work, Giovanni continued his study of theology at the Roman Seminary, and in 1819, he was ordained as a priest.

3. Political unrest forced him to flee Rome in disguise.

After faithfully serving in a variety of ministry positions, Giovanni was elected pope on June 16, 1846, when he took the name of Pius IX. In his first Encyclical, he condemned communism, secret societies, and freemasonry. Although he sympathized with Italian independence, he did not support the violence of the radicals, who demanded a constitutional government, war against Austria, and laicization of the ministry. Pius IX conceded to two of their demands, promising a lay ministry and creating a constitution, but he insisted on maintaining peaceful relations with Austria.

Unfortunately, hostilities escalated. The Italian prime minister Pellegrino Rossi was stabbed to death on the steps of the Cancelleria and the papal prelate was shot. Afraid for his life, Pope Pius IX escaped in disguise, fleeing to Gaëta in November of 1848. When he finally returned to Rome over a year later, his rule continued to be characterized by political struggle.

4. He defined the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception.

West Tympana
A tympana in the Great Upper Church commemorates the affirmation of the Immaculate Conception by Pope Pius IX.

One of the primary doctrines that Pope Pius IX was known for was the dogma of the Immaculate Conception, which he defined in December of 1854:

“The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Savior of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin.”

5. His pontificate was the longest in history.

Pope Pius IX’s pontificate was the longest in history, taking place over 32 years. It also marked the transition of the papacy’s focus to spiritual matters, rather than both political and spiritual matters. He passed away on February 7, 1878, and was beatified in September 2000.


Pius IX,” Britannica.

Pope Pius IX,” New Advent.

Pope Pius IX,” The Vatican.

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