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Crash Course: 5 Books on Church History for Every Catholic

Are you interested in learning more about Church history, but unsure where to start? Whether you’re looking for a visually engaging guide, an accessible introduction, or scholarly analysis, there’s a history book for every Catholic in our latest post. Today, we invite you to discover five books about how God has used faithful men and women throughout the centuries to further His kingdom and what it means for you today.

Book cover of "A History of the Church in 100 Objects" A History of the Church in 100 Objects

Written in response to the New York Times bestseller A History of the World in 100 Objects, this book was designed to tell the story of Christianity in a uniquely comprehensible and tangible way.

By taking a close look at 100 objects and places – from the Star of Bethlehem to the Wittenberg Door, EWTN host Mike Aquilina and his daughter Grace unpack the story of Christianity and how it has transformed the world over the course of human history. Together, they reveal how the history of the Church didn’t take place shrouded in the mists of time; its traces are evident in tangible objects.

Book cover for "Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know"Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know

Since the dawn of Christianity, faithful men and women have worked countless miracles, fought deadly battles, and overcome severe persecution to bring the Gospel to all the corners of the earth. Despite their flawed natures, God used them to shape His church and change the world. From humble priests to powerful monarchs, they altered the course of history through their sacrifices and sins alike. This volume gives an account of the wars, plagues, ideas, and miracles foundational to Christian civilization through Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know. By diving into these historic moments, the author reminds us that no matter how dark and dangerous the times may be, God has never abandoned His people – and He never will.

Book cover of "A Concise History of the Catholic Church"A Concise History of the Catholic Church

Covering the life of Christ, the election of Pope Benedict XVI, and everything in between, A Concise History of the Catholic Church has been one of the bestselling religious histories of the past two decades and a mainstay for those looking for a definitive, accessible history of Catholicism.

With a clarity that will appeal to any reader, Thomas Bokenkotter divides his study into five parts that correspond to the major historical and epochal developments in Catholicism. His authoritative, thorough approach takes readers from the Church’s triumph over paganism, through “the sound and fury of renewal,” to a new section devoted to discussing dissent and current developments in the ecumenical movement. This edition features new informative illustrations, as well as a wide-ranging bibliography which makes it an invaluable sourcebook.

Book cover of "How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization"How the Church Built Western Civilization

What is the ultimate source of Western Civilization? While most people would likely claim the answer is Greece or Rome, bestselling author Thomas E. Woods, Jr. argues that the true origin of Western Civilization is the Catholic Church.

From its impact on the development of modern science and free-market economics, to its influence on art, music, and human rights, the Catholic Church played a foundational role in the formation of our current society – often in ways that many of us have never known.

This paperback edition features a new introduction by Spanish Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church Antonio Canizares.

Book cover for "Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church"Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church

Discover a fresh retelling of the history of the Church in this engaging and easy-to-read history book. In Timeless: A History of the Catholic Church, author Steve Weidenkopf introduces readers to the vivid story of God’s work in the world since Pentecost. Along the way, they will meet the weird, wonderful, and fascinating heroes and villains of the Catholic family tree.

By uncovering the truth about the past, you can make sense of our present world, know Christ better, and understand where you fit in the greatest story ever told.


*Book descriptions adapted in part from their respective publishers.

Basilica exterior Looking for more book recommendations?

There’s always more to read! In the inaugural post of our Basilica Book Club series, we discuss five iconic works of literature every Catholic should read – from the writings of philosophical giants St. Augustine and St. Aquinas, to beloved mystic reflections like The Dark Night of the Soul.

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10 Quotes about Education from the Saints