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Stars in Sacred Art

From the very first chapter of Genesis, where God created the stars to illuminate the night, to the final chapter of Revelation, where Jesus is described as the bright morning star, stars play an important role in biblical narratives. Throughout sacred art…

8 Places to Find the Holy Family in the Art of the Basilica

As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph this week and reflect on their example, we invite you to explore eight places they are featured in the Basilica – from intricate sculptures to glittering mosaics.

Larger Than Life: Heroic Statues of the Basilica

Did you know that there are three heroic statues on display at the National Shrine? Crafted from bronze and marble, these larger-than-life sculptures feature stunning depictions of Saints Junípero Serra…

The Untold Story of American Catholicism

While many are familiar with the stories of Protestant pilgrims settling in the American colonies, the story of American Catholicism too often goes untold. Here at the Basilica, you can find many…

Birds in the Bible and Sacred Art

Learn about the symbolism of birds in sacred art and Scripture, and where you can find these motifs portrayed in the Basilica.