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Archives of the Basilica

The Archives of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception contains the following in its collection: historical records of the construction and building of the Shrine; records of iconography and furnishings; architectural and construction records; a complete collection of the publication Salve Regina/Mary’s Shrine (1914 – present); information about Shrine artists; photographs of the construction of the Shrine and Shrine events; video record of Shrine liturgical celebrations and other televised events; service registers and worship leaflets.

Please note, the Archives does not include in its collection baptismal, marriage, or other personal data records, nor does it have any genealogical information.

Those requiring extensive research must work onsite. Applications for an appointment must be made in writing at least two weeks in advance. Scholars and/or researchers should include the scope of the project and specific needs, as far as they are known.

The Archives of the Basilica welcomes specific questions either by standard mail (Archivist, The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave, NE, Washington, DC 20017) or by completing the form below.

Articles published by Basilica Archivist and Curator Geraldine M. Rohling, Ph.D., M.A.Ed. in the Mary’s Shrine Newsletter can be accessed on this page.