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For more than one hundred years, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception has been the locus for spiritual comfort in our Nation’s Capital.

Dedicated to Mary under her title of the Immaculate Conception, the patroness of the United States, the National Shrine is the largest Roman Catholic Church in North America and one of the ten largest churches in the world, and serves as a sign and source of our “sure foundation” in Jesus Christ under the protection of his Blessed Mother.

This year on Easter Sunday, the National Shrine will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the inauguration of its liturgical life.

Since that time, more than 800,000 Masses have been celebrated within this church. Numbered among our pilgrims and visitors are Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, Saint John Paul II, and Saint Teresa of Calcutta. As the National Shrine approaches this monumental anniversary, an effort is underway to protect the future of this national ministry to Pilgrims and Visitors from across the globe and to maintain its nearly 100-year-old structure.

The critical infrastructure of this church has served it well.
Time, however, does have a way of taking its toll.

In order for the National Shrine to continue to serve almost one million pilgrims each year, the task of updating its aged infrastructure has become a necessity. This $30 million renewal project includes the modernization of heating and cooling systems which are essential to 365-day-a-year ministry.

The National Shrine is neither a cathedral nor a parish church; it relies solely on the generosity of donors to support its ministry. Your prayerful and financial support will leave a lasting legacy for generations to come in this living monument to our Catholic faith and heritage that is Mary’s Shrine.

Please help to preserve Mary’s Shrine for generations to come and honor our Blessed Mother through your generous gift to her shrine.